Unconscious Bias

A Program for Individuals and Teams Seeking to Create More Diverse and Inclusive Organizations

“The unconscious is selective, when it learns what to listen for.” 
—Philip K. Dick

As human beings, we are meaning-making machines.

We evaluate, assess, and create frameworks to make sense of the world around us.

While this tendency serves us well in navigating the complexities of life, it also means we are often operating with a set of filters and assumptions that are involuntary and unexamined.

In our organizations, these unconscious filters and assumptions (biases) drive our decision-making and can have a significant impact on outcomes throughout the enterprise—from recruitment and retention to alignment and engagement, and from creativity and innovation to the bottom line.

This program has been developed to help uncover those biases and provide evidence-based reduction and mitigation strategies that can generate more diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures and drive business success. 


This experiential and interactive program explores the fundamentals of unconscious (implicit) bias—what it is, its impact, how we can uncover it, and what we can do to address the adverse impacts it has on our ability to achieve our organizational goals and objectives.

We will introduce conceptual frameworks (including current research from the fields of psychology and neuroscience), employ concrete examples of how unconscious bias shows up in day-to-day interactions, and examine all the ways it may be embedded within our organizational systems and structures. 

And we will offer a set of implementable strategies for managing unconscious bias—for individuals, teams, and enterprise wide.

Learning Objectives and Topic Areas

  • What is unconscious bias and what forms does it take?
  • How does it manifest in our lives and in our working environments?
  • What is the impact of unconscious bias and how might it impede our ability to take our organization to the next level?
  • How can we begin to make the unconscious, conscious?
  • How can we look beyond our initial biases and see the unique humanity in everyone?
  • What strategies can we use to reduce and mitigate our biases and the impact they have?
  • What might be possible if we were to fully embrace the process of bias reduction and move to a more equitable and inclusive culture?

Who Should Attend?

The program is appropriate for people at all levels of the organization, and is structured to be relevant to those who are new to diversity work as well as those who are well-steeped in the concepts.


The structure and timing are customizable to meet the specific needs of the client organization.

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